This function generates an interactive plot of an antares time series.
refStudy = NULL,
table = NULL,
variable = NULL,
elements = NULL,
variable2Axe = NULL,
mcYear = "average",
type = c("ts", "barplot", "monotone", "density", "cdf", "heatmap"),
dateRange = NULL,
typeConfInt = FALSE,
confInt = 0,
minValue = NULL,
maxValue = NULL,
aggregate = c("none", "mean", "sum", "mean by variable", "sum by variable"),
compare = NULL,
compareOpts = list(),
interactive = getInteractivity(),
colors = NULL,
main = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
legend = TRUE,
legendItemsPerRow = 5,
colorScaleOpts = colorScaleOptions(20),
width = NULL,
height = NULL,
xyCompare = c("union", "intersect"),
h5requestFiltering = deprecated(),
highlight = FALSE,
stepPlot = FALSE,
drawPoints = FALSE,
secondAxis = FALSE,
timeSteph5 = deprecated(),
mcYearh5 = deprecated(),
tablesh5 = deprecated(),
language = "en",
hidden = NULL,
# S3 method for antaresData
refStudy = NULL,
table = NULL,
variable = NULL,
elements = NULL,
variable2Axe = NULL,
mcYear = "average",
type = c("ts", "barplot", "monotone", "density", "cdf", "heatmap"),
dateRange = NULL,
typeConfInt = FALSE,
confInt = 0,
minValue = NULL,
maxValue = NULL,
aggregate = c("none", "mean", "sum", "mean by variable", "sum by variable"),
compare = NULL,
compareOpts = list(),
interactive = getInteractivity(),
colors = NULL,
main = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
legend = TRUE,
legendItemsPerRow = 5,
colorScaleOpts = colorScaleOptions(20),
width = NULL,
height = NULL,
xyCompare = c("union", "intersect"),
h5requestFiltering = deprecated(),
highlight = FALSE,
stepPlot = FALSE,
drawPoints = FALSE,
secondAxis = FALSE,
timeSteph5 = deprecated(),
mcYearh5 = deprecated(),
tablesh5 = deprecated(),
language = "en",
hidden = NULL,
# S3 method for simOptions
refStudy = NULL,
table = NULL,
variable = NULL,
elements = NULL,
variable2Axe = NULL,
mcYear = "average",
type = c("ts", "barplot", "monotone", "density", "cdf", "heatmap"),
dateRange = NULL,
typeConfInt = FALSE,
confInt = 0,
minValue = NULL,
maxValue = NULL,
aggregate = c("none", "mean", "sum", "mean by variable", "sum by variable"),
compare = NULL,
compareOpts = list(),
interactive = getInteractivity(),
colors = NULL,
main = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
legend = TRUE,
legendItemsPerRow = 5,
colorScaleOpts = colorScaleOptions(20),
width = NULL,
height = NULL,
xyCompare = c("union", "intersect"),
h5requestFiltering = deprecated(),
highlight = FALSE,
stepPlot = FALSE,
drawPoints = FALSE,
secondAxis = FALSE,
timeSteph5 = deprecated(),
mcYearh5 = deprecated(),
tablesh5 = deprecated(),
language = "en",
hidden = NULL,
# S3 method for list
refStudy = NULL,
table = NULL,
variable = NULL,
elements = NULL,
variable2Axe = NULL,
mcYear = "average",
type = c("ts", "barplot", "monotone", "density", "cdf", "heatmap"),
dateRange = NULL,
typeConfInt = FALSE,
confInt = 0,
minValue = NULL,
maxValue = NULL,
aggregate = c("none", "mean", "sum", "mean by variable", "sum by variable"),
compare = NULL,
compareOpts = list(),
interactive = getInteractivity(),
colors = NULL,
main = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
legend = TRUE,
legendItemsPerRow = 5,
colorScaleOpts = colorScaleOptions(20),
width = NULL,
height = NULL,
xyCompare = c("union", "intersect"),
h5requestFiltering = deprecated(),
highlight = FALSE,
stepPlot = FALSE,
drawPoints = FALSE,
secondAxis = FALSE,
timeSteph5 = deprecated(),
mcYearh5 = deprecated(),
tablesh5 = deprecated(),
language = "en",
hidden = NULL,
Object of class antaresData
. Alternatively, it can be a list of
objects. In this case, one chart is created for each
object. Can also be opts object from h5 file or list of opts object from h5 file.
An object of class antaresData
created with function
[antaresRead::readAntares()] containing data for areas and or
districts. Can also contains an opts who refer to a h5 file.
Name of the table to display when x
is an antaresDataList
Name of the variable to plot. If this argument is missing, then the function starts a shiny gadget that let the user choose the variable to represent. When the user clicks on the "Done" button", the graphic is returned by the function.
Vector of "element" names indicating for which elements of 'x' should the
variable be plotted. For instance if the input data contains areas, then
this parameter should be a vector of area names. If data contains clusters
data, this parameter has to be the concatenation of the area name and the
cluster name, separated by " > "
. This is to prevent confusion
when two clusters from different areas have the same name.
, variables on second axis.
If x
, contains multiple Monte-Carlo scenarios, this parameter
determine which scenario is displayed. Must be an integer representing the
index of the scenario or the word "average". In this case data are
Type of plot to draw. "ts" creates a time series plot, "barplot" creates a barplot with one bar per element representing the average value of the variable for this element. "monotone" draws the monotone curve of the variable for each element.
A vector of two dates. Only data points between these two dates are displayed. If NULL, then all data is displayed.
. If multiple Monte Carlo scenarios are present in
the input data, see all curves (FALSE, Default), or mean and confidence interval (TRUE)
Number between 0 and 1 indicating the size of the confidence interval to display. If it equals to 0, then confidence interval is not computed nor displayed. Used only when multiple Monte Carlo scenarios are present in the input data.
Only used if parameter type
is "density" or "cdf". If this parameter
is set, all values that are less than minValue
are removed from the
graphic. This is useful to deal with variables containing a few extreme
values (generally cost and price variables). If minValue
is unset,
all values are displayed.
Only used if parameter type
is "density" or "cdf". If this parameter
is set, all values not in [-minValue, maxValue] are removed from the graphic.
This is useful to deal with variables containing a few extreme values
(generally cost and price variables). If maxValue
is 0 or unset, all
values are displayed.
When multiple elements are selected, should the data be aggregated. If "none", each element is represented separetly. If "mean" values are averaged and if "sum" they are added. You can also compute mean and sum by variable.
An optional character vector containing names of parameters. When it is set, two charts are outputed with their own input controls. Alternatively, it can be a named list with names corresponding to parameter names and values being list with the initial values of the given parameter for each chart. See details if you are drawing a map.
List of options that indicates the number of charts to create and their position. Check out the documentation of [manipulateWidget::compareOptions] to see available options.
LogicalValue. If TRUE
, then a shiny gadget is launched that lets
the user interactively choose the areas or districts to display.
Vector of colors
Title of the graph.
Label of the Y axis.
Logical value indicating if a legend should be drawn. This argument is usefull when one wants to create a shared legend with [prodStackLegend()]
Number of elements to put in each row of the legend.
A list of parameters that control the creation of color scales. It is used only for heatmaps. See [colorScaleOptions()] for available parameters.
Width of the graph expressed in pixels or in percentage of the parent element. For instance "500px" and "100%" are valid values.
Height of the graph expressed in pixels or in percentage of the parent element. For instance "500px" and "100%" are valid values.
Use when you compare studies, can be "union" or "intersect". If union, all of mcYears in one of studies will be selectable. If intersect, only mcYears in all studies will be selectable.
Contains arguments used by default for h5 request, typically h5requestFiltering = list(mcYears = 2)
highlight curve when mouse over
, step style for curves.
, add points on graph
add second axis to graph
timeStep to read in h5 file. Only for Non interactive mode.
mcYear to read for h5. Only for Non interactive mode.
tables for h5 ("areas" "links", "clusters" or "disticts"). Only for Non interactive mode.
language use for label. Defaut to 'en'. Can be 'fr'.
Names of input to hide. Defaut to NULL
Other arguments for manipulateWidget
The function returns an object of class "htmlwidget". It is generated by
package highcharter
if time step is annual or by dygraphs
any other time step.It can be directly displayed in the viewer or be stored
in a variable for later use.
If the input data contains several Monte-Carlo scenarios, the function will display the evolution of the average value. Moreover it will represent a 95
If the input data has a annual time step, the function creates a barplot instead of a line chart.
compare argument can take following values :