
Represent data with a barchart

Barcharts are polyvalent charts that should be used most of the time. In a barchart individual value are visually easy to compare because the human eye is good at comparing lengths. Moreover barcharts can represent negative values while polar charts can only represent positive values;


new Barchart(el, data, options)

Name Type Description
el string CSS selector representing the element that will hold the chart.
data Array.<number> Data the chart has to represent.
options BarchartOptions Options controling graphical aspects of the chart.


Name Type Default Description
minValue number | "auto" "auto" Minimum value data could take. It is important to set this option explicitely if one wants to compare charts and use the same scale on each one. By default `minValue` equals to 0 if all data values are positive or the minimum value if some values are negative.
maxValue number | "auto" "auto" Maximum value data could take.It is important to set this option explicitely if one wants to compare charts and use the same scale on each one. By default it equals to 0 if all values are negative or to maximmum value if some value is positive.
width number 60 Width of the chart.
height number 60 Height of the chart.
transitionTime number 750 Duration of the transitions, in milliseconds.
colors Array.<string> | function d3.schemeCategory10 Either an array of colors or a function `(d, i) -> color` where `d` is a data value and `i` is the index of the value.If it is an array with length less than the length of data, then the colors are recycled.
labels Array.<string> | "none" | "auto" | function "none" Labels to display in bars. It can be an array with same length as the data. It can also be a function `(d, i) -> labelText` where `d` is a data value and `i` is the index of the value. Finally it can be equal to "none" to hide labels or "auto" to display in a compact way values.
labelColors string | Array.<string> | "auto" | function "auto" Color of the labels. It can be a single value or an array with same length as the data. It can also be a function `(d, i) -> color` where `d` is a data value and `i` is the index of the value. Finally it can be equal to "auto". In this case, the most readable color is choosen depding on the color of the bar.
labelMinSize number 8 Label minimum size in pixels. If there is not enough space for a given label, then it is hidden.
labelMaxSize number 24 Label maximum size in pixels.
labelPadding number 2 Padding to apply to apply to labels.
labelClass string "" Labels CSS class.
shapeClass string "" bars CSS class.
zeroLineStyle string "stroke:#333;stroke-width:1;" CSS style of the line representing the zero value.



Update the data represented by the chart
Name Type Description
data Array.<number> Data the chart has to represent.


Update the graphical options of a chart
Name Type Description
options BarchartOptions Options controling graphical aspects of the chart.

update(data, options)

Update simulatenously data and options of a barchart.
Name Type Description
data Array.<number> Data the chart has to represent.
options BarchartOptions Options controling graphical aspects of the chart.