This function changes the timestep of a table or an antaresData
and performs the required aggregation or desaggregation. We can specify
(des)aggregate functions by columns, see the param fun
changeTimeStep(x, newTimeStep, oldTimeStep, fun = "sum", opts = simOptions())
data.table with a column "timeId" or an object of class "antaresDataList"
Desired time step.The possible values are hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and annual.
Current time step of the data. This argument is optional for an object of
class antaresData
because the time step of the data is stored inside
the object
Character vector with one element per column to (des)aggregate indicating the function to use ("sum", "mean", "min" or "max") for this column. It can be a single element, in that case the same function is applied to every columns.
list of simulation parameters returned by the function
Either a data.table or an object of class "antaresDataList" depending on the
class of x
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
areasH <- readAntares(select = "LOAD", synthesis = FALSE, mcYears = 1)
areasD <- readAntares(select = "LOAD", synthesis = FALSE, mcYears = 1, timeStep ="daily")
areasDAgg <- changeTimeStep(areasH, "daily", "hourly")
all.equal(areasDAgg$LOAD, areasD$LOAD)
# Use different aggregation functions
mydata <- readAntares(select = c("LOAD", "MRG. PRICE"), timeStep = "monthly")
changeTimeStep(mydata, "annual", fun = c("sum", "mean"))
} # }