Allows selecting a set of areas so as to bundle them together in a "district".
caption = NULL,
comments = NULL,
apply_filter = c("none", "add-all", "remove-all"),
add_area = NULL,
remove_area = NULL,
output = FALSE,
overwrite = FALSE,
opts = antaresRead::simOptions()
District's name.
Caption for the district.
Comments for the district.
Possible values are add-all
to add all areas to the district,
to clear the district, or none
(default) to don't apply a filter.
Character vector of area(s) to add to the district.
Character vector of area(s) to remove from the district.
Logical, compute the results for the district or not?
Logical, should the district be overwritten if already exist?
List of simulation parameters returned by the function
An updated list containing various information about the simulation.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
name = "mydistrict",
apply_filter = "add-all",
remove_area = c("fr", "be")
} # }